Saturday, October 22, 2011

Slipping Away

My therapist thinks I'm doing good, but I haven't told her that I've stopped taking my antidepressants for a few weeks now. 
I'm excited to put the whole bad break up behind me, start back to school next semester, get a new job, and maybe even start dating again. 
My eating is really bad this past week. Everyday it seems I'm eating enough to make myself sick. 
This coming week I'll have to really step up and start watching my calories. 
Maybe I'll even ask my crush to go to the apple orchard with me ;) 

1 comment:

  1. You should start taking your anti's again sweetie :( Otherwise you'll have a really bad comedown, trust me! Motivation is hard to find, but i'm sure you'll "step up" as you say :) Stay strong beautiful xx
